CDR: Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

Asymmetric all at
Tue Sep 19 05:04:01 PDT 2000

At 10:54 09/19/2000 +0200, harald at wrote:
>At 17:08 2000-09-18 -0400, you wrote:
>>That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses cannot send 
>>messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.
>I suppose you know why we donĀ“t have that (the remailing issue). But I 
>kinda have another idea. Just start every subject line with eg -C-P- like 
>I did now, then it would be really easy to filter all the mail.

Last I checked the remailers allowed return mail to be sent through them, 
to the owner of the anonymous account.. isn't that the point?  It's easy 
enough to forge the email header that I can't believe they exist just to 
totally isolate anyone from the responses.. how would someone using a 
remailer even join the list (to receive messages) if that was the point?

The only part where I see this being useful is if somebody has some kind of 
anonymous announcement to make, where they don't intend to join the list.

I can't see the -C-P- subject as really being functional for sorting out 
spam mail because anyone new to the list won't know to put them in, nor the 
people I mentioned who might wish to make anonymous announcements.

The benefits of having the list open to unsubscribed postings seem far 
outweighed by the cost in time spent by everyone filtering messages and 
server resources that could be better spent running dnetc if nothing else 
;). It's just auxiliary that I've never seen an anonymous post to the list 
in the past when I subscribed, nor more recently since I 
resubscribed.  Undoubtedly some smartass will send an anonymous message to 
the list now just to say "see!" :P

There has to be some way around this that will still preserve anonymity, 
although one doesn't seem readily apparent unless the anonymous party 
subscribes under their pseudonym.

What about just creating another list (closed-posting) and then just 
allowing people to choose which to subscribe to?  Obviously, the 
open-posting list would be subscribed to the closed posting list, but not 
the other way around.. so at the risk of missing the massively important 
anonymous message that has yet to be sent, I could eliminate some of this spam?

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