CDR: Re: Ho to KICK OUT Junkbusters users

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Sun Oct 29 18:10:57 PST 2000

At 02:03 PM 10/29/00 -0600, Igor Chudov wrote:

>A thoughtful message. Thanks. Basically my site absolutely relies
>on cookies for several things, such as the linear algebra workbench,
>standardized testing, and "My Homework". 

Using cookies for maintaining state in applications like that
is what cookies were originally intended for; it's reasonable to
check and remind people to turn them on for those applications.
But in general, they won't be useful for determining whether
somebody's running a junk buster or not because lots of people
do turn them off.

>Maybe the desire to reject junkbusters users is due to my asshole
>personality rather than arational business thinking. I think that Tim is
>right, the clueless kiddos who visit do not run junkbusters.

If 10% of them run junkbusters, it's no real problem for you.
If 90% of them do, that'd be a different issue.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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