CDR: Re: Gort in granny-shades (was Re: Al Gore goes cypherpunk?)

Declan McCullagh declan at
Wed Oct 25 13:17:22 PDT 2000

At 15:43 10/25/2000 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>As to sending it to lists which have subscriber-post-only, it is, as usual,
>a consequence of spam prevention and not malice aforethought. Kinda sucks,
>of course, because anonymous posters can't post. Hope they fix that in
>future versions of majordomo, but I bet it'll be a while.

The current version of majordomo allows for an authorized-poster file, 
which I use with one of my lists to let people who aren't on the list 
contribute. You could use a cron job to combine subscribers with add'l 
posters to allow some of the more-likely-to-respond cypherpunks to post.


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