CDR: Re: Ralph Nader sends privacy survey to Bush and Gore campaigns

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Tue Oct 10 23:12:52 PDT 2000

>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>>  At 23:38 10/9/2000 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>>>  >I seem to remember Etzioni being tied into the Communitarian
>>>  >movement as well.
>>>  Right. In fact, that's an understatement.
>>>  He's essentially the anti-cypherpunk: Regulate corporations' data
>>>  collection practices strictly, but don't regulate the governments'
>>>  practices.
>>>  -Declan
>>Could someone cogently explain the difference between communitarians
>>and communists?
>>I get the impression that communitarians were sort of a communist/fascist
>>hybrid, but I'm sure someone has a more elegant explanation.

The Commies could always recognize the FBI plants in their groups
because they were the ones who paid their organization dues....

Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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