CDR: Re: ubsubscribe vs. unsuscrive vs. unscribe vs. unimbibe

Alan Olsen alan at
Mon Oct 9 01:08:34 PDT 2000

At 11:54 PM 10/8/00 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>At 11:22 PM -0700 10/8/00, kurko kurko wrote:
>>ubsubscribe kurk0 at
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!
>This is the third such "ubsubscribe" message tonight! It must be catching. 
>Sort of like the "unsuscrive" and "unscribe" viruses of a few years ago. 
>"Unimbibe me" is more like it.

Think of it as "cargo cult list management".

People want off the list, but they are unwilling to figure out how before 
hand or read anything.  They see someone posting a "remove" or 
"unsubscrive" to the mail list and figure "that must be the way that you do 
it" and do likewise.

I used to see rashes of similar behavior on perl5-porters a number of years 
back. You would think people on technical lists would know better.  I have 
long since learned that this is not the case.

>Fortunately, their fate is to remain "suscrived" to the toad list. Please, 
>don't anyone remind them that their welcome message gave them instructions 
>on how to ubsuscrive.

For some of us, that message was received many years ago and was lost in 
the mists of hard drive failures.  For others, their brains were wiped to 
secure the information against discovery by the enemy.  (Or discovery by 
the Discovery channel, whichever comes first.)
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|"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer:         |
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