CDR: Re: Vinge

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Nov 29 09:21:16 PST 2000

At 8:35 AM -0500 11/29/00, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>Bill Stewart wrote:
>>  Of course, if you're in the SF Bay Area and *want* to work in
>>  a used bookstore, there's a local religious cult that runs
>>  a really good one in downtown Mountain View.
>     Hot Damn! Thanx loads, Bill -- you've just given me a real clue on how
>I can make a bundle in the book store business. Let's see, I have a degree
>in religious studies from the UofWI, and long held ordination papers from
>the Universal Life Church, and ......    Hmm, I also own six old offset
>presses, and have another degree in creative writing, so I can pump out
>lots of screed.  I wonder who I could get to cast some images of Jim Bell
>hanging on a cross?

The rants of C.J. Parker/Toto/Truthmonger might be better to build a 
cult around. As with Elron, volume counts.

Sign up a few movie stars, open some "Circle of Eunuchs" cybercafe 
clearing centers, and pipe country porn through the PA system.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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