CDR: huffman decoding

Tom Vogt tom at
Tue Nov 28 14:10:37 PST 2000

this is probably too "low-level" for "applied cryptography", but it's still
a real-world problem for me:

- I have a datastream (just a couple bytes) that I know is huffman
encoded. however, I don't have the tables or know anything else.

- I do not only know parts of the plaintext, but can generate it at will.
however, I do not know for sure where in the ciphertext it will end up and
I know for sure there is other information in the datastream.

given this, it shouldn't be too difficult to derive the tables, right?
especially not if I can generate ciphertext at will with known plaintext

so, aside from staring at long rows of binary and waiting to spot the
pattern, is there a well-known approach to this?

(I want to remotely query a closed-source server software that uses this
system to report to an also closed-source client software. I know which
information it transports (at least parts) and I have control of the server
so I can have it include arbitrary strings (there's a "comment" field that
is freely available to me and gets transmitted).)

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