CDR: Re: Jim Bell

David Honig honig at
Tue Nov 28 14:48:15 PST 2000

At 10:18 PM 11/27/00 -0500, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>Bell handwaved on the point of obtaining digital cash for 
>paying the assassin with.  

He observed it is a requirement to have strongly anon cash.

The details of that are very complicated, but that is not the 
point.  Assume for the moment that it exists.  

>I don't think I care to waste any effort on figuring out 
>secure ways to kill people outside the law.

Would you feel better if it were within the law? 

The US (for instance) is not above putting bounties on people's heads.  That
they do so overtly only signifies their self-confidence.  If 
the US could construct an anonymous payment system that only works
for <insert country here>, they'd have uses for it.

In any case, what you or I deem gentlemanly technical pursuits certainly
is no constraint on anyone else...alas



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