CDR: Re: Wanted TLD operators for the ORSC

Joe Baptista baptista at
Tue Nov 28 11:31:53 PST 2000

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Bill Stewart wrote:

> At 05:44 AM 11/28/00 -0500, Joe Baptista wrote:
> >I'm looking for people who want to operate tlds in the orsc zone.
> >You need to know BIND, and have a familiarity with database programming
> >like mysql.
> >If anyone is interested - send me a private email and i'll followup on it
> >this weekend and we can start getting you online.
> >
> >The orsc needs new blood.  It's stagnated at 380 member tlds.
> Well, if you're not averse to stirring up trouble (:-),
> see if you can find the contact for China's proposed
> .[Chinese-Unicode-Character-for-Commercial] TLD,
> which they announced would be competing with ICANN's .com
> for Chinese-language domain names.
> I don't know what the phonetic equivalent of the name is,
> but maybe they'd also want somebody to run ".chicom" mirroring it...

me adverse to stiring up trouble?  I think you know me better then that
;-).  It's a good idea and I'm a firm believer in getiing the orient
involved in this.  there's alot momentum in the orient and asian countries
which I will definately take advantage of.  Another good region i'm
looking at is india.

Thank you for the heads up - appreciated.


Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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