CDR: Foreign expert opinion unrelated to Tim May

Anonymous Remailer mix at
Sun Nov 26 15:40:01 PST 2000

Gadhafi advises US power sharing

Sunday, 26 November 2000 16:09 (ET)

Gadhafi advises US power sharing

TRIPOLI, Libya, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi has
advised the United States to split  the presidency between Democrat
candidate Al Gore and Republican George Bush in order to avoid "a civil

Gadhafi, in an interview with an Italian television station to be
broadcast in the coming days, said loosing the logjammed U.S. presidential
election was "a complicated problem."

"For U.S. to avoid a civil war, power should be split between the
presidential candidates," he said. "In case Bush wins, Al Gore could be his
deputy and vice-versa."

Qadhafi said: "I advised the American friends to announce this now since
this would lead to solving the problem, meaning that the one who wins more
votes will be President and the one with less votes will be deputy

The Libyan leader reiterated that he does not believe in elections but
only in "direct popular democracy, meaning that people rule themselves."

He described the present democracy in the world as "fabricated democracy"
asking how "40 per cent of the people can accept a person they did not

Gadhafi said there was "no difference between Bush and Gore," saying the
problem "lies in the Congress and the imperialist circles."

He said President Clinton was " a nice man but he could not do much for
his people because they implicated him in dangerous cases."

He accused the Congress of "ignoring the world and fighting a country
without knowing its location," saying: "I am sure the Congress does not know
where Kosovo, Libya or Kuwait are located."

Gahdafi said if the Americans take his advice, both Democrats and
Republicans will be in power and both have "interests to be in the White

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