CDR: Re: On 60" tonight

Tim May tcmay at
Sun Nov 26 17:38:39 PST 2000

At 6:32 PM -0500 11/26/00, George at Orwellian.Org wrote:
>My on-screen guide said "FISA", says,
>"Mike Wallace looks at one couple's claim that
>they were set up by the FBI and wrongly convicted of espionage."

I notice you're babbling about what's on "60 Minutes" but not saying 
a peep about the certification of the election in Bush's favor.

Now that an incoming Republican Administration will be able to 
prosecute Bill for his various crimes, Hillary for her tax evasion 
and insider trading and Algore on treason charges, I can hear Air 
Force One warming up its engines for its flight to Cuba.

Fidel has offered asylum to Bill and Al,but not to Hillary. She's too 
far left even for him.

Hillary may have to take refuge with either the Palestinians, where 
she can hug Yassir's wife all she wants, or ZOG. Maybe she can set up 
a double-wide in "No Man's Land." A lesbian sistah like her would no 
doubt like the sound of that.

Regarding the Demonrats who tried to steal this election, I say it's 
time to take out the trash.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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