CDR: Re: Jim Bell arrested, documents online

John Young jya at
Fri Nov 24 11:11:19 PST 2000

Bear surmised:

>The "Needs Killing" verbiage you see here, I think, is mostly from 
>people who, correctly or not, tend to think in terms either of there 
>not being any governments, or in terms of the government being so 
>ineffective that they are effectively in an ungoverned state.

Hold on. "Needs killing" is an epithet, like "fuck your mother"
or in earlier theocratic days, "go to hell." It's a residue of a time
when killing somebody who profaned your beliefs was done.

It gets attention in some circles for different reasons. I like to read
it because it reminds of my childhood in Texas when it was
used with deliberate intent, and not used casually, for it could
led to getting killed yourself, in justifiable self-defense.

Back then, saying "fuck your mother" was said only by the
Mexicans, "chinga tu madre," or something thing like that,
and it always led to physical mayhem among the god-fearing 
who felt obliged to protect the virginity of their mother. Don't 
laugh. Men killed each other for that.

I got my ass whipped for using phrase on a Mex-Tex
buddy, no pause, he just methodicaly beat me to shit.

There are still people around whom you better not say
to their face, "you need killing." Those with guns, for
example. It's okay on the Internet, though, hell, you
can even threaten to kill a particular judge if you mean
it as a joke.

Greg, ease up, everybody here knows AP is a prank.
Jim Bell and Jeff Gordon are a "seven forbidden words"
comedy team.

Not that Western Washington District has caught on
yet that AP's only "fuck your mother."

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