CDR: Re: Jim Bell arrested, documents online

Ray Dillinger bear at
Fri Nov 24 10:36:27 PST 2000

On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Greg Newby wrote:

>Do people on this list really believe that the solution to 
>problems is to kill people?
>Or are we just getting sarcastic and frustrated?

There are certain problems that no other solution for has ever 
been found.  There has never been a human society that did not 
kill people.  Even countries that don't execute criminals still 
slaughter enemy soldiers and civilians when they go to war. 

You can regard killing, of certain types of people anyway, as a 
service industry.  Like all services, less of it is provided (and 
at a much higher cost) if there is a monopoly on it.  Since we 
tend to like a minimum of killing, but are willing to pay the 
high costs for the truly necessary amount of killing, humans 
have mostly seen fit to institute monopolies on killing, regulate 
them fairly tightly, and refer to them as governments. 

In a governed state, it is your civic duty to uphold the monopoly. 
You must refrain from doing the killing yourself unless the power 
to kill delegated to the government is redelegated to you by the 
government.  In an ungoverned state, it is your civic duty to stop 
psychopaths and sociopaths yourself, since you've no government to 
delegate that duty to in the first place.  And to do so, generally 
you must kill.

The "Needs Killing" verbiage you see here, I think, is mostly from 
people who, correctly or not, tend to think in terms either of there 
not being any governments, or in terms of the government being so 
ineffective that they are effectively in an ungoverned state.


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