CDR: Re: Entering US without green cards

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Thu Nov 23 17:18:18 PST 2000

Well, you could get US papers, but if that's hard,
and if you haven't overly annoyed the Canadians and 
can get papers there, the border's extremely permeable.
Our right-wing politicians try real hard to keep Mexicans out,
but somehow Canadians don't bother them. 
So walk across the Yukon, stagger into Anchorage,
and fly south.

A friend of mine found 20ish years ago that the
price for going past the Soviet/US border guards
was a bottle of booze (give the Americans Stoli,
and the Russkis Jack Daniels...)

Or you can go to DisneyLand and cross the border from there
into California.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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