CDR: [Fwd: About dem keyboards]

sunder sunder at
Tue Nov 21 08:38:02 PST 2000

Also Sprach sunder:
> 2. If you protect the cable as well, they can use a keyboard capture
> program, or they can tempest detect your keystrokes.
Tempest works not on just the keyboard but the entire machine. Monitor,
system unit, cables, and keyboard all give off tempest emissions. The
usual way this is handled is to have the room the system(s) are in 
shielded, and or completely underground, or both. 

The Zenith "tempest" 286 PC had 72 screws and a very solid steel CPU
casing, and it's cables were completely unshielded. Your tax dollars
at work. D'oh! :) 

"You know you're a geek when you log onto IRC  | Do not           CD  c
so you can tell your friend halfway across the | taunt --------P===\==/
country which HTML hex code to use for the     | happy fun         /_\__
color of your wedding dress." -- Me            | fencer!             _\ \

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