CDR: Re: Aces high (long reply)

Allen Ethridge aethr at
Fri Nov 17 21:25:26 PST 2000

On Friday, November 17, 2000, at 09:37 PM, jonathan at wrote:

> I just saw a report on CNN-or-some-such, that the Bush Camp was 
> outraged that they'd seen some Techie "rifling the punchcard ballots" 
> before feeding them into the machine!!! 
> How many of us here can harken back to the days of punchcards in 
> computing? Did you not, routinely, rifle them prior to feeding them in 
> to the reader, in order to dislodge the "chads"? WTF, I respectfully 
> ask? 

I can, barely, and, no, I didn't.  But I get your point.

The card punching machines I used did a good job of punching a clean
hole.  And I noticed on my Texas ballot just how cleanly the holes were
punched.  If there were many chads hanging about then either the
punching equipment, the cards or both were faulty.  Maybe the butterfly
wasn't the only flaw in the design of the ballots.

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