CDR: Court system greased lightning.

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Fri Nov 17 10:39:19 PST 2000

Wow, a FL 3-judge panel already passed Gore's appeal
up to the FL Supreme Court.

Another basis of appeal can only start after Harris
certifies the result tomorrow.

It will be interesting to see if Dubya emerges after certification.

Obviously, Gore won the most votes as people _tried_ to vote.

O'Reilly will be on (not a repeat) Sat 8 P.M. FoxNewsChannel.

Someone was flying a plane with a banner ad showing Gore in
Grinch Green[Tm] on a broomstick, text, "Surrender Gorethy!"

    Danger! Do not tease Happy Fun Ball.

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