CDR: Re: Bush Florida lead dwindles toward zero...

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Sun Nov 12 20:21:00 PST 2000

White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned:
#    Hey, Vulis, I was the one who pointed this out earlier than nearly
#    anyone else. Yesterday, early afternoon, my time.  Check it out.

Oooh, want to compete on who was first?

!    From root Mon Nov  6 19:09:23 2000
!    From: cypher at
!    Subject: Election results come in January
!    Newsgroups: ny.politics
!    Organization: NYPD: We don't need no stinkin' license plates!
!    Florida is so close results might not be in until 9-11pm EST.
!    Same for Michigan.
!    And California? 3.2 million absentee ballots, which will
!    take days to count.
!    And the government's official count doesn't
!    come in until three months later.
!    Anyway, there's a chance we won't know who wins for a while.
!    Just a possibility.

White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned:
#    I'm fully aware that the Democrats will likely win through
#    exactly this trickery.

What trickery? Everything being done now is provided for
by Florida law. Of course, a White Supremacist like you
will have a severely twisted view of even the simplest
of events.

White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned:
#    As I have said, it will be a "good" thing that the Democrats
#    steal the election this way.

Yeah, for your "Turner Diaries" wet dreams. Ha ha ha.

White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned:
Georgie-poo wrote:
#    >Live and let live.
#    Fuck that.

Heh-heh-heh. Poor rich weirdo and his "Turner Diaries" wet dreams.

Why don't you do something constructive-ish by releasing a
shoot-em-up video game that matches your wet dreams? Usenet
and this list don't do your warped dreams justice.

Better release it anonymously, or you'll get sued for anyone hurt. ;-)

Or don't, and make your free speech stand there.

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