CDR: Re: low tech surveillance-cam countermeasures in Israel

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Sat Nov 11 01:56:18 PST 2000

At 01:37 PM 11/10/00 -0500, anonymous at wrote:
>Hizbullah operatives seeking to block IDF cameras
>(IsraelWire-11/10) Hizbullah guerilla forces are
>stepping up their anti-Israel activities, including efforts
>to block sophisticated IDF cameras installed along the
>northern border. With the use of mirrors, Hizbullah is
>working to block the effectiveness of the surveillance
>cameras installed along the northern border.

Lasers can be good too. 

>The cameras, mounted atop armored personnel carriers,
>were deployed following the unilateral IDF withdrawal
>from southern Lebanon in June. 

APCs do make it harder to use the traditional Anglo-American
approaches techniques developed for speed-trap cameras,
which involve ski masks and spray paint or baseball bats.
But rifles can be fun.

On the other hand, cameras keep getting cheap,
and you can hide radio-equipped web-quality cameras
for nearly no money anywhere you've got electricity,
so getting all (or enough) of them can be harder.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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