CDR: voting tech & radio buttons

David Honig honig at
Fri Nov 10 22:35:30 PST 2000

Intercepted in popmedia: 
Some dude of Shoup Corp which makes voting machines, or used
to 21 years ago (there are no parts available), demonstrated
that you can lock out choices after you've pulled one lever.
Which would eliminate certain bozos double-punching their
political-hollerith cards.

What a concept.

These days we call it a radio-button.

[Actually a variant, "one-shot" kinda radio button in this case,
because you can't rollback your vote.  That's probably a deficiency,
but it might be due to this barbarian mechanical tech making
illegit rollbacks possible if you allow voter rollbacks.]

I suppose various floridians would like a modal message box
	You're voting for BROWNE (LIB), is this correct?

Much like crypto, its
	User interface, user interface, user interface...



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