CDR: Re: Greetings from ZOG-occupied Palestine

auto9950013 at auto9950013 at
Fri Nov 10 18:33:36 PST 2000

If you need to help anyone it should be Tim May and his anti Jewish malitia 
They  missed a lot of  chances to completely exterminate us.
But as  you see, the 400 of us  are now ready to take over the American 

At Fri, 10 Nov 2000 20:24:51 -0600 (CST), Mac Norton <mnorton at> 

>If you could spell, or type, correctly, I'd have a little
>more respect for your posts. There is not their. If
>English is not your first language and you need some
>off-line advice about homophones, I'll be glad to help.
>On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 auto9950013 at wrote:
>> Tim May, the heavily armed hate monger who refers to ZOG, and , his 
>> right wing malitia friends have missed there chance.
>> Certainly the 400 of us needed killing before we influence the American
>> Presidential election.
>> At 03:26 PM 11/10/00 , Tim May wrote:
>> >
>> >Now we hear of calls urging dual-citizenship residents of
>> >ZOG-occupied Palestine to send in absentee ballots to Florida,
>> >especially for the estimated 400 dual-citizenship, or visiting
>> >tourists, from Palm Beach County.
>> >
>> >The claim is that if they can "prove" they were unable to have them
>> >postmarked by the time polls closed in Florida, due to the violence
>> >or whatever, that maybe they will still be allowed in. (And I
>> >wouldn't put it past the ZOG to rig the postmarks and then put the
>> >ballots on a fast jet to Florida.)
>> >

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