CDR: Re: Rants and sour grapes ...

Tim May tcmay at
Fri Nov 10 11:49:02 PST 2000

At 7:08 PM +0000 11/10/00, Gil Hamilton wrote:
>Ernest Hua writes:
>>It is abundantly clear to me that much of the ranting going on here 
>>on this list is at least 50% sour grapes.
>>Not to pick on Tim, but he just seems like a convenient example; it 
>>is clear in Tim's mind that he does not want the possibility of 
>>Gore being the next president. He may have some procedural reasons 
>>to back this rant up, but he definitely does not like Gore.
>You arrogant pinhead. It is you who have been whining that these
>poor dimwitted voters in Palm Beach County must be allowed to vote
>again; after all, "the voters should get what they want."
>In any case, if they did hold a revote in Palm Beach County, what
>happens after that?  What if Bush is still ahead and there are more
>spoiled ballots?  What if Gore is ahead, but there are spoiled
>ballots?  Or, is the objective to just allow them to re-vote again
>and again until you and Gore get the outcome you're looking for?

There will be blood in the streets if a "do over" is allowed in Palm 
Beach County. Frankly, were such a "do over" ordered, I have no doubt 
that Gore would pick up the extra 300 or so votes he needs to beat 
Bush. I outlined the basic reasons a day or two ago in my "Causality 
and Close Elections" piece. It's why we all vote at nominally the 
same time.

In fact, the margin for a "new victory" would likely be much more 
than 300 votes.

To Ernest Hua, Pinhead, this would be "the will of the people."

As I've said, I sort of hope this happens. It would make for exciting 
news. And blood in the streets. Folks like me would be calling for 
the trial and execution of Al Gore and his thousands of lackeys. That 
would be sort of fun.

Meanwhile, the chaos and paralysis is also useful.

>And what about other states?  There were spoiled ballots in every
>state and probably every precinct, and I have no doubt there was
>some idiot confused by the ballot in every such case.  What is the
>threshold at which we allow that state or precinct to vote over

Re-votes, or "do overs," are inherently unfair in the most basic 
sense. This is why they are so rare, so _fucking_ rare. Even in cases 
in Miami where actual fraud was found, the courts did not order a 
re-vote. Rather, they tossed out entire blocs of ballots which were 
thought to have been tainted.

There is no evidence of substantial fraud in the Palm Beach County 
matter, as we've discussed ad nauseum (ballots approved in advance, 
ballots published, no disputes, ballots used in '96 election, number 
of spoiled ballots comparable to number in '96, etc.).

Even if there _were_, the remedy would likely be to discard all of 
the Palm Beach County votes before there would ever be a re-vote.

(And the 150,000 voters, IIRC, who got it "right," who didn't drool 
on their ballots or mark mulitple choices, would be justified in then 
complaining that _they_ were being penalized for having carefully 
looked at the ballot!)

>I'm beginning to think Tim is right:  The fuse on this powder keg
>is lit.  The NAACP and its ilk, along with Gore partisans like you,
>will never accept the outcome of this election.

Which is one reason I sort of hope the hundreds of lawyers sent down 
to Florida by the Gore Team succeed in throwing the election to Gore.

>Better stock up on ammo, folks.  (Maybe Y2K was just a few months

Got that one covered. I don't expect hordes in the countryside, but 
we could see some the Welfare Mutants and Inner City Maggots rioting, 
looting, and shitting in their own nests.  Most of South-Central LA 
remains boarded up and economically wasted, which I think is poetic 
justice. Let the Democrat "maggots and faggots" deal with Jesse 
Jackson's promised race war.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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