CDR: Re: A very brief politcal rant

petro petro at
Fri Nov 10 00:00:07 PST 2000

>At 2:05 PM -0500 on 11/9/00, Jim Burnes wrote:
>>  I've seen first hand the intent and demeanor of St. Louis
>>  politics and its not pretty.
>Agreed. I don't know if it still is, but, say, 23 years ago, St. Louis was
>a great place to be *from*.

	According to the wife, it's a really nice city if you don't 
mind living in a really big small town.

	"It's a great place to visit" she says.

	I disagree, but then I've got family there.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal 
authority, I keep imagining its competence."
John Perry Barlow

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