CDR: Re: [Correction] More blather from the DEMS on FL

David Marshall marshall at
Thu Nov 9 16:41:07 PST 2000

Harmon Seaver <hseaver at> writes:

> im Burnes wrote:
> > Maybe Ms. Reno still has connections in Dade county.  If I were a Republican
> >I'd demand chain of evidence from any so-called 'lost' ballots.
>     OTOH, it's gwbush's brother runs the state, eh?   8-) And didn't the exit
> polls say Gore won?

Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida has reclused himself from supervising it,
citing his obvious conflict of interest. 

Exit polls are generally worthless, and are totally unofficial and 
untrustworthy. Joe Cuban goes into the polls, votes for Bush because 
he's well-to-do and wants a tax cut for his small business. He leaves,
and an exit-poller asks him how he voted. He says that he voted for
Gore because he would like to keep his business from mysteriously 
burning down, his daughter from mysteriously being raped, himself
from mysteriously being shot, and maybe his car from mysteriously
exploding. This is why we have anonymous voting.

If you don't believe that the people in the area are capable of doing
that kind of intimidation, I suggest that you turn on CNN (or
virtually any other news network) and watch the crowds of morons
protesting in Miami. They claim that they were "denied their right to
vote" and that their "civil rights were violated" because they were
too stupid to:

	A) Vote for only one candidate.
	B) Vote for the candidate that they actually wanted.
	C) Realize that presidential elections are an election for a
           _pair_ of candidates, one for President, and one for

Anybody who thinks that they can vote for more than one candidate for
the same office or who doesn't realize that Gore is running for
President and Lieberman is his _running mate_ probably shouldn't be

once on CNN, there is no cause for confusion. The candidates are
clearly marked, and there are arrows pointing to the selector for
the appropriate candidate. Whatever Florida state law said about the
format of the ballot is irrelevent. It was clearly marked. Anybody who
screwed up their ballot should have talked to an election judge. The
ballot was designed by a Democrat. The ballot was vetted by both major
parties. The ballot was mailed out to the voters in Palm Beach County
well before the election and nobody complained.

Couple this with the election fraud in Missouri, and we get a
situation which is less than appealing. There's also apparent election
fraud in Florida, and as close as this election was there will
probably be total recounts in Oregon, Iowa, and a few other states.

A second election is simply not workable. As Tim May wrote yesterday,
the people of Palm Beach would know that they and they alone are
electing the President of the United States. Money will be spent to
buy each and every voter. There's a massive problem there, which is
pretty obvious. A second nation-wide election runs into many similar
problems, the biggest of which is people changing their votes to sway
the election (e.g. changing from Nader to Gore).

I think that the major parties involved had best be very careful about
how they handle this, but I fear that there will be major unrest
either way. If Gore wins, large portions of the population (much of
which consists of white America, which is generally sick of being
crapped upon by everything from affirmative action to minority-only
programs but is generally too politically correct and fixated on 
self-preservation to say it) is going to, at the very least, be
pissed. At the very worst, they rebel. If Bush wins, the Democratic
base (much of which consists of: <fill in the blank>) will probably
riot and rebel on a massive scale. 

The next president, whether it be Bush or Gore, is likely to be a lame
duck either way, which is probably a good thing. Meanwhile, the
national legislature is fairly evenly split.

After watching CNN and listening to the Democrats whine, bitch, and
moan, I guess that maybe this is the first shot of the Second American
Civil War. I guess I'd better go get more guns to defend myself
against rioting welfare fungus which may try to claim that I am a
"white capitalist oppressor" and kill me. I just hope the Democrats
don't win; I wouldn't want to live in the world of "Harrison
Bergeron" where I'm basically lobotomized to bring me down to the
level of people who can't read a ballot.

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