CDR: A New Crisis in Palm Beach County, Florida

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 9 19:26:49 PST 2000

Thursday November 9 10:42 PM ET
Votes for Buchanan Lost

By Lisa Ander Spooner

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Routers) - A new vote crisis has appeared in 
Palm Beach County. Ten thousand votes for Patrick Buchanan appear to 
be missing.

Based on interviews with elderly Jewish yentas, at least 14,000 of 
them claimed they mistakenly voted for Patrick Buchanan (see millions 
of earlier stories). And yet only 4,000 of these alleged Buchanan 
votes were actually counted for Buchanan. What, people are asking, 
happened to the other 10,000 votes for Buchanan?

"I mistakenly voted for Pat Buchanan," said Miriam Rabinstein, 
formerly of Brooklyn, "and I want to know what happened to my vote." 
She went on to say, "All of my friends mistakenly voted for Buchanan, 
and everyone from our condo voted mistakenly for Buchanan. You want I 
should tell you that Buchanan should have gotten 14,000 votes?"

Election officials acknowledge that informal opinion polls by the 
13,200 reporters swarming through Palm Beach County show that most 
elderly Jews voted for Buchanan. They cannot explain what happened to 
the missing 10,000 trick votes.

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