CDR: Re: A very brief politcal rant

R. A. Hettinga rah at
Thu Nov 9 16:14:28 PST 2000

At 5:07 PM -0500 on 11/9/00, Tim May wrote:

> They probably still have you registered as a Democrat from your Young
> Communist days at journalism school. So, did you vote for the dead
> guy?

I don't know. You'll have to ask Gephart to see how he voted me on Tuesday.

Besides, Tim, my degree was a worse one than Journalism. It was (a
three-year delayed) *Philosophy* BA. Worse, I *was* going to go to Law
School. In Missouri.  (Though eventually, I didn't want to be either a
lawyer or in Missouri anymore. YMMV, of course. I'm not as pissy about it
as I was about it, say, 3 years ago...)

Worse, Tim, I was in the Missouri Student Association Senate. The Public
Issues Committee Chair, no less, spending those evilly confiscated student
fees on all kinds of stupid stuff like candidate debates and pre-election
interviews and recommendations for student voting.

Far worse than even that, I was on the board of the ASUM (we thought the
name was cute, too) The Associated Students of the University of Missouri,
a genuine, frothing-liberal, Nader-inspired PIRG/"Student Lobby", which not
only confiscated student fees, but spent them to *lobby* the legislature
for increased taxes and more money for the University (which, of course,
would allow us to raise our fees, to lobby the legislature with :-)).

So, yes, boys and girls, I flunk the Cypherpunk Life-Long Political Purity

I Was A Teen-Aged Liberal, a Liberal Until Graduation, whatever. Worse than
that, horrors, I'm still a Unitarian.

Yeah, I know, Tim. I *still* need killing, right?


(Who pissed in the political wind twice on Tuesday, once by voting for Bush
in Massachusetts, and again -- or maybe twice again -- by voting for Carla
Howell, the Libertarian, against Teddy Kennedy. BTW, it appears that Carla
got 300,000 votes or so, almost as many as Harry got nationwide. Carla for
President. Probably have to wait for my Mom to die before I can get away
with that one, though. The one person I fear more than Tim May, maybe even
my Roslindale Attorney, being me dear Mum... :-))

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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