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Robert Huddleston cabhop at
Thu Nov 9 13:37:54 PST 2000

believer at
Subject: ip: REPUBLICANS CAN'T WIN THIS WAR By: Carole Ward
Ether Zone

By: Carole Ward

  Pity the Republicans. I heard conservative Robert Novak grouse that Al
Gore's poll numbers don't mean Democrats are succeeding, but that
Republicans are failing. Not true Bob. You are just out numbered. Democracy
has finally delivered the death blow to republican government. Somebody
once said democracy is the honeymoon of stupidity.

What a great line.

I have predicted a renaissance of Utopianism as boomers begin to think
about old age. Retiring boomers will demand nothing less than
meals-on-wheels -delivered to their RV parks in Costa Rica as part of their
Medicare+accounts. Free drugs and med-evac, delivered anywhere, any
continent, anytime to any mountain. High grade hemp will be reclassified
and distributed for achy muscles or menopause.

Conservatives, by definition cannot win this war. It's not Dubya's fault,
really. The utopian police state has a new allure for aging boomers. When
you add these particularly solipsistic and venal breed of parasites to the
existing pool, you have a nasty brew. And it feeds on liberty.

This election is an auction - and Al Gore may just win it. I wince when I
hear Limbaugh, Medved, Coulter and company, trying to intellectualize the
"mood of the country" --shaking their heads, asking where they went wrong
with women. That's a no brainer. Just tell women you'll give them free day
care, healthcare, and underwrite their poor choices with somebody elses
money. They deserve it, and you're gonna give it to em.

Truth can only hurt you. Silly Gopers criticize each other on principle
when they differ, believing they can appeal to our higher natures. --sort
of like Depok Chopra without the shakedown for tapes, books and T Shirts.

But Democrats know politics is not principled. Its organized crime. For 8
years the GOP has been asking, "Where is the outrage"? What outrage?
Democrats don't vote for piety. They don't vote FOR Democrats. They vote
AGAINST Republicans.

Ask any Democrat what he/she thinks of Bill Clinton. Odds are they think
he's a bit of a thug, a caricature of the boozy, lascivious and
irredeemably corrupt southern pol - a thoroughly loathsome character. But
no matter. He's not a Republican. So he's got their vote. Democrats should
rightly be called Anti-Republicans. That's why we couldn't get rid of the
Arkansas Sopranos even after the bodies started piling up, planes went boom
and a statistically improbable number of FOB's committed suicide or fell
out of the sky. ---See, Billy delivers the goods.

I believe we could video tape the entire Clinton cabinet gang raping a
kindergarten class and democrats would caution us that it was illegal to
video tape them without consent.

So how do they do it? How do Democrats enjoy such loyalty from

Well, it's a spoils system in a host/parasite paradigm. Anti-Republicans
want more of what Republicans have, or hate what Republicans are, and will
not conform to conservative expectations for citizens. So when the federal
government steals 1.7 trillion a year from us, dems say --Good!

Footnote: Gays are a special subsection of the anti-republican coalition.
Their singular concern in this battle is legislation insuring their right
to prime-time, drive-by sex, while the transfer of wealth occurs.

So, we have reached critical mass as we tumble toward euro-trash social
democracy. The parasites outnumber the hosts and an IV drip on producers
may not be enough to sate the sheer numbers of 'needy'. And each
beneficiary is clamoring for more. Utopians need to legislate our thoughts
and profile the aberrant among us who still believe in the privacy of
thoughts, sex, and property.

So who are we up against?

1. Government workers. That includes teachers. These little blood-suckers
multiply like roaches and don't like compensation tied to performance or
tenure. They succeed only at our expense. [fiercely Anti-Republican street

2. Unions. ---see above without the breeding capacity from government
funding. --but hey, anything's possible.

3. Women. ---Unfortunately they see government as surrogate parent and
husband. I've always said women are natural socialists. They have been
trading away liberty for promises of security since we jumped out of the
trees. They will vote police state utopia every time, if they think it will
be easier for them. I would gladly give up my vote if they were banished as
a group from electoral politics. What was Jack Nicholson's great line when
asked the difference between a man and a woman? --"Take away logic and
accountability," he said with signature smirk.

3. Blacks and Latinos --Too many are addicted to the drip system. Add a
desire for open borders so their friends and relatives can share the
spoils. [these are traditional Anti-Republicans who equate a brown man
voting Republican with chickens voting Colonel Saunders.]

4. Trial Lawyers. --they feed on the conflict between warring parasites. A
utopian police state guarantees that everyone is guilty of something,
sometime. It's a bonanza for defense attorneys and prosecutors as well.

5. Gays. --they cling to dems, the only ones who understand their pain.
["Heterosexuals probe each other's body parts on prime time TV. Why can't

Depressed readers, there is an upside to this --really.

This grumpy libertarian offers that we need MORE socialism and MORE utopian
blather, not less, if we're going to have the knock-down-drag-out necessary
to regain the soul of our Jeffersonian Republic. It's the drip drip drip of
Utopianism in the first half of this century that left us in this
hazy-semi-conscious-lock-step, each time gubmint says "pay up" or else.

Why not say "Bring it on mutha!" Bring it all on - all of it. Utopians in
all three branches of government. Confiscate the guns. Photo cop in every
intersection. Breathalyzer and retina scans at freeway ramps. 70% death tax
[just to churn the economy for the benefit of the "needy".] Cradle to grave
healthcare will endure only until somebody discovers that certain
"behaviors" mean higher "costs". Utopians may be surprisingly niggardly
with public dollars when exponential demand by the "unfit", "imperfect",
and "unhealthy", drain the treasury of discretionary dollars which could be
used to rescue aging rock climbers and provide necessary paths for bicycle
riding city dwellers.

 We will make them hate each other as much as they hate us.

But wait, you say, we can't do this. It means the end of life as we know
it. Utopia requires a police state. And a police state ends constitutional
government. Constitutional government has already been reduced to what the
meaning of is - is. It's whatever they say it is so long as they deliver
the goods.

Election 2000 can only be described as 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what
to have for dinner. So whaddya think is cookin?

Carole Ward writes from Santa Fe and is a frequent contributor to Ether Zone.
Carole Ward can be reached at wardcarole at

 Published in the November 16, 2000 issue of Ether Zone.
 Copyright © 2000 Ether Zone. (
 Reposting permitted with this message intact.

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