CDR: Gore's next move

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Thu Nov 9 00:01:37 PST 2000

Gore has dispatched 50 staffers from Tennessee to
Palm Beach County, contacted lobbyists in the
area regarding raising $3 million in funds,
petitions challenging the vote due to the bad
form are being circulated, and, ugh, I forget.

A legal challenge to the Palm Beach County
vote seems to be in the works.


FoxNewsChannel posted:
#    Gore trails by less than 1,000
#    with 32 of 67 Fla. counties recounted;

It was 2100 votes in Bush's favor before the second count.
County recounts, under half of them, lowered that to 1000.

"At this rate", perhaps Gore will win anyway.


The ballot layout was illegal and resulted
in a statistically verifiable set of erroneous votes.,1119,oso-nation-82373,00.html

Even though Bucanan got roughly the same number of votes in
this presidential election as last, it means little compared
to this data, all from the current FL election:

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