CDR: Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Wed Nov 8 22:57:52 PST 2000

Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
#    There cannot be a re-vote of the County, or even of the entire State,
#    as this would distort the forces acting on the electorate in a way
#    never seen before.

An honest attempt to get accurate vote from
citizens is in no way a distortion of the
purpose of voting. You have no case.

Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
#    The Palm County voters would know _they_ would be electing
#    the next president.

Gosh, they might have a higher turnout! How evil, right?

Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
#    Billions of dollars would be spent
#    trying to buy each and every voter.

More of your money-related miscalulations.

And even you would have to admit people
could still vote as they originally did
without repercussion.

Again: you've got nothing.

Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
#    And there is no precedent for using "statistics" by Democrat
#    consultants to propose that votes be Buchanan be assigned to Gore. So
#    Gore won't get those votes, and there won't be a County-wide revote.

Egad, are worms eating your brain? The statistics were for
convincing a judge that people lost their votes due to the
bad form. It doesn't matter if the people charged with it
didn't catch the written legal requirement that the holes
be to the right of the text. 19,000 can change the election,
so it's important to get peoples' votes right.

I'm glad Jesse Jackson is down there, agitating this issue.

Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
#    (If there is, I'll help in rigging the dynamite truck .)

More delusions of power.

All you can do is shoot up your house.

    You are a useful troll.

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