CDR: Re: A strange election scenario.

Alan Olsen alan at
Wed Nov 8 13:24:40 PST 2000

At 11:28 AM 11/8/00 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
>It looks like Gore has won the popular vote, and
>that Florida is more likely to tip to Bush than to
>Gore. If this happens, the show is not
>necessarily over.
>If Bush wins Florida, and Gore wins Oregon,
>the electoral college will stand at Gore 267,
>Bush 271. You'd expect that King George
>the Second would rule. But....
>In most states, electoral college
>electors are bound by law to cast their
>votes in favor of the candidate who won
>their state. But not all - in some states
>(which ones? I don't know) electors can
>legally vote their conscience. A Libertarian
>presidential candidate got an electoral vote
>a while back in this manner.
>If three of these 'unbound' electors are in states
>which went to Bush, and decide to 'follow
>the mandate of the national popular vote'
>they can flip the election.
>Interesting times.....

I am just wondering what they do if it comes down to an actual *tie* in 

Personally I would like to see the two candidates fight to the death in a 
tub of raw sewage with a couple of rusty sporks.  (Not that they will do 
something sensible like that...)

The coming gridlock could be the best thing to happen to the country though.

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