CDR: Re: Applying California law to ICANN

Tom Vogt tom at
Mon Nov 6 05:51:35 PST 2000

jim bell wrote:
> The SPLC satisfies the description of "hate group" at least as much, and
> probably more so, than any of the groups that it catalogs and denigrates.
> Which suggests that ICANN should be contacted, with a demand that they
> de-list SPLC for the appropriate reasons.  Naturally, they'll come back with
> all sorts of 1st-amendment reasons they shouldn't, all of which should have
> been applied to the vote-swap issue.

one should go exploring the borders.

will ICANN fall over to a *different* major western government?
for a minor eastern government?
for some 3rd world dictator?
for Iraq or Cuba?
if they demand the "de-listing" of some US government website which
violates some strange iraqi law?

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