CDR: Re: Here's an interesting twist on gun control ...

Ray Dillinger bear at
Sun Nov 5 22:08:45 PST 2000

On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Peter Capelli/Raleigh/Contr/IBM wrote:

>     Yes, while it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to
>pass this law, how could it be unconstitutional as a local or state
>statute?  Something similar to requiring X number of smoke detectors per
>square foot. 

An interesting exercise is to ask where the government (ANY branch of 
government) gets the authority to require me to put smoke detectors 
in my home.  If my house burns down, that's my tough toenails, right? 

Well, probably not in the city.  In a densely built area, the 
government is exercising the PRESUMED property rights of my 
neighbors to minimize the risk to their homes from fires I 
may start. But it has done so, in most cases, without ever 
consulting my neighbors or getting their authorization for such 

I really wish that property ownership, or whatever else, came with 
an attached list of the supposed "property rights" exercised on 
your behalf by government.  I think people would be appalled at 
what their presumed interests amount to complicity in. 


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