CDR: Re: AT&T signs bulk hosting contract with spammers

Declan McCullagh declan at
Sun Nov 5 14:45:02 PST 2000

On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 12:22:46PM -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> > 2. AUPs with backbone providers/hosting services (industry self-regulation)
> I oppose these because I don't think some organization should have control
> of my speech simply because I purchase a service from them. If I buy, for

It would be part of the terms of service, aka the contract. It doesn't
"violate the spirit of the 1st" (except for leftists) any more than a
contract clause that says "thou shalt not launch DDoS attacks."

If anything, by allowing private rules to flourish, it would expand
the "spirit of the 1st."

Finally, if you don't want your "speech controlled," take your
business to a place that allows spammers. Similarly, if you want to
publish racist or left-wing agitprop, I am under no obligation to
allow you to use my printing press; take your business elsewhere.


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