CDR: Re: California bars free speech of those cutting deals on votes

Declan McCullagh declan at
Thu Nov 2 08:00:55 PST 2000

In a 10/14 survey, Gore was leading California by 4 points:

I suspect with Nader's surge, this lead has narrowed.

For more detailed analysis:


On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 01:42:18PM -0600, Phaedrus wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:
> > However, as any vote is of marginal importance, as with the 
> > amelioration issue you mention, I'm still undecided. Needless to say, 
> > neither Gore nor Nader are in my universe of choices, however.
> I'm making a somewhat wild assumption that you're voting in California --
> as am I. As far as I can tell, Gore is going to take california, so by my
> reasoning I'm free to vote with my conscience, since a vote for either
> bush or gore wouldn't make a difference in this case. If you haven't
> already you might want to consider that point (and do the research
> yourself to back it up or disprove it -- don't take my word for it).
> Ph.

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