CDR: Re: Zero Knowledge changes business model (press release)

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 2 00:10:21 PST 2000

At 1:29 AM -0500 11/2/00, James A, Donald wrote:
>     --
>At 08:22 PM 11/1/2000 -0500, Tim May wrote:
>>  I had always planned to someday get a Freedom account and use my
>>  "five nyms" for some true tests of how free the free speech they
>>  advocate really is.
>I attempted to do this, but was foiled by bugs.  I paid my money, 
>but did not get my nyms.  This seems to have been a widespread 
>experience.  ZKS denied any problem.  I concluded that if I could 
>not trust them, I could not trust their proprietary cryptography, 
>and forgot about it.

Well, perhaps because of my vociferousness, they sent me five nym 
coupons (I think that's the term) tonight, gratis, for me to try out 
for a year. I don't know when I'll set aside the time to try to 
figure out how to use them, how to avoid the installation problems 
others have reported, but perhaps in the next few weeks. (There are 
the issues of running it under Virtual PC 3.0 emulating Windows 98 SE 
I mentioned. Considering the problems folks have reported of it 
crashing plain vanilla Windows on plain vanilla Intel hardware, I'm 
skeptical...we'll see.)

I'm leaning toward trying for a controlled experiment, such as it is 
with only 5 nyms, with my nyms split this way:

-- one as the persona of a Zundelsite Holocaust denier, calling in 
newsgroups for the extermination of the ZOG occupiers and the 
liquidation of millions of Israeli parasites

-- one as the persona of a terrorist attempting to arrange the 
destruction of the Canadian parliament building while it is in 
session...maybe with copies "accidentally" sent to various 
wagonburner politicians.

-- one as a young Freedom-using nymph using her new Freedom node to 
trade pictures of herself doing naughty things

-- one as a U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer offering information for 
sale on Seawolf sailing schedules and design parameters

and for a "control":

-- one nym asking for help on his U.S. History homework assignment

I'll keep you informed.

--Tim May...for now!

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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