Turbo C

ANALISTAS_ONSET CONTR [CONBR] conset06 at conbr.jnj.com
Tue Dec 26 05:14:27 PST 2000

Hi there,

I am looking for the software Turbo C from Borland and I never found. So I
am sorry to ask that to you, but could you send the turbo C from e-mail to
me ? I will really aprecciate if it is possible.

Thanks in advance

Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira
Operations - Data Center Services
J&J - Networking and Computing Services - LA
São José dos Campos - SP - Brazil
> * Phone: (55+12) 332-4460 or JJDIAL 738-4163
Fax  :    (55+12)  332-4163
> * e-mail: conset06 at conbr.jnj.com
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