Announce: "secret-admirers" mail list(usenet)

Nomen Nescio dis-list at
Tue Dec 19 15:36:10 PST 2000

> >  > > > Only by running your own mail or news server can you prevent the
> >  > > > ISP from monitoring your email or news reading.
>Sorry to entering this thread so late but I had to bite on these
>comments.  I have been in and out of the ISP business for the last 5
>years.  In my last real job I was responsible for a tech support team.
>Tech support personnel in ISPs are typically an entry level position
>with only slightly better starting wages.  I couldn't get most of the
>techs to read what I wanted them to read and I would be surprised if
>any of them did any snooping.

I fired 2 of my original 8 staff members for browsing the mailbox of users.

I Know several people who work in both the Big national ISP and the small 
mom and pop ISP
at a tech level,  to a CEO level. I KNOW that, security notwithstanding, 
email browsing
across the server isn't that uncommon of an occurrence.

Ian Briggs

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