Freenet and anarcho-capitalist

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Tue Dec 19 08:16:26 PST 2000

Bob, this is the opposite problem from posting an entire
article in HTML. You've provided no info beyond the 
subject line as to why I or anyone should look at slashdot. 

Slashdot puts out 10-12 articles a day; which one
should I look at? At the very least, you could have
given the URL for a specific article, as it is your
uninformative link becomes even more useless as it
rapidly ages.

It's really not too hard to do the Right Thing; Here's an
example from today's /.:

---------start example------------
Judge Says Port Scanning Is Legal

          Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday December 19, @10:09AM
          from the thousands-of-lines-of-log-files dept.
          cvbear0 writes: "SecurityFocus has an article explaining a ruling
from a U.S. district court ruling in
          Georgia about port scanning. The judge ruled that that port
scanning tools neither "impair the
          integrity nor availability of the network." Both parties agreed
not to appeal the judge's ruling." 
-----------end example---------------

...that took me about 15 seconds - 1 click to get to the specific
article (so I could easily get the article specific URL) and 2 
cut-and-paste actions (one for the URL and one for the 
teaser text).

If you won't show any common courtesy towards your intended
audience, don't expect them to read your postings.

Peter Trei

> ----------
> From: 	Jim Choate[SMTP:ravage at]
> Reply To: 	Jim Choate
> Sent: 	Saturday, December 09, 2000 8:57 AM
> To: 	cypherpunks at
> Subject: 	CDR: Freenet and anarcho-capitalist
>     ____________________________________________________________________
>            Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a
>            smaller group must first understand it.
>                                            "Stranger Suns"
>                                            George Zebrowski
>        The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
>        Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at
>            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
>                            -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------

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