Bill Clinton belatedly decides that pot smoking should not be criminal

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Dec 6 19:52:39 PST 2000

Gee, Bill, you're only about 6-8 years too late:


Wednesday December 6 10:15 PM ET
Clinton: Pot Smoking Should Not Be Prison Offense

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - President Clinton (news - web sites), who 
tried to avoid the stigma of smoking marijuana by saying he never 
''inhaled,'' tells Rolling Stone magazine that people should not be 
jailed for using or selling small amounts of the drug.

--end excerpt--

Instead of pushing for legislation in '93-94, Clinton is now opining 
that all of those hundreds of thousands of folks his Drug Warriors 
put in in prison maybe shouldn't be there.

Something tells me the New Bill will soon be bashing Carnivore, 
CALEA, Clipper, Echelon, and all other things Janet Reno, Louis 
Freeh, Jamie Gorelick, and all of the other Drug Warriors and Ninja 
Raiders were pushing so hard.

We may even see the New Bill say he was never in favor of burning 90 
people alive in Waco for the sin of believing in a bizarre variant of 

Of course, he probably did the RS interview when he thought Bush was 
going to win and his party would be the Disloyal Opposition, railing 
against Carnivore, no knock raids, sentencing enhancements, the 
persecution of Jim Bill, CALEA, and so on.

The New Bill may have to modify his new radicalism in light of the 
possibility that Algore and his ZOG Veep may manage, through the 
cleverness of their shysters, to pull a victory out of the ashes.

Revised version, in the December 23 "Letters to the Editor":

"Actually, I was misquoted in that "Rolling Stone" article. What I 
actually said was that Sen. Clinton and I are both behind President 
Gore's Campaign to Save the Children Act. If those who traffic in the 
Evil Weed think they can hide behind the Constitution, they'd better 
watch out for the pre-dawn raids!"

--Tim May

(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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