"Hello, You're Dead"

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Wed Dec 6 08:50:29 PST 2000

[ukcrypto and Perry's list deleted]
> Dave Del Torto[SMTP:ddt at lsd.com] wrote
> <http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/phone001205.html>
> "...Hitting the 5, 6, 7 and 8 buttons on the phone gun fires
>   four .22-caliber rounds in quick succession. ..."
The article goes on to say that the Men With Guns may now take reaching
for a cell phone as adequate excuse to kill you. (Of course, in New York
just pulling a  wallet in response to an apparent mugging can get you shot 
40 times by plainsclothes cops).

Seeing the subject line, I was reminded more of the case a couple years
ago when the Isrealis murdered a man via his own cellphone. A Palestinan,
who was known as 'The Engineer' and was allegedly behind a number of
terrorist attacks, used a known cellphone. As I recall, the hit went like

The phone was made to appear 'broken' by the telephone company. It was
taken in for repair/replacement. Soon after the new phone was delivered, 
the Palestinian received a call. The caller asked "Is this [name]?" On
receiving an affirmative reply, a small explosive charge detonated in the
phone, blowing the Palestinian's head off.

Peter Trei

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