BOUNCE hell at Non-member submission from ["Gregory G. Foster" <gregf at>] (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at
Fri Dec 1 14:11:48 PST 2000


           Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a
           smaller group must first understand it.

                                           "Stranger Suns"
                                           George Zebrowski

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:37:11 -0600
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Subject: BOUNCE hell at    Non-member submission from ["Gregory G. Foster" <gregf at>]   

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Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 12:45:27 -0600
From: "Gregory G. Foster" <gregf at>
Organization: Navigo
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To: "Farmers, Navigo" <farmers at>,
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Subject: Follow up on N30 protests
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To the outside observer, the celebration of the anniversary of the
Seattle WTO protests seemed to transpire in relative peace during the
day; but the concluding note of the evening seemed pretty sad to me. 
The Seattle police department seems to have created a situation in which
the only possible outcome was mass arrests and a spiritually crushing
exposition of state force.

<<<<< Kristoff Loftgreen wrote: >>>>>
im not sure how much news makes it out of here but things did get a
little crazy after the sun went down last night, which in these parts is
around 4:20. the police forced all the protesters out of westlake center
around eight or so south west into belltown. they then started using
their storm trooper tactics of intimidation wearing full riot gear and
stomp marching down the street. they completely surrounded all of the
protestors and then closed in on them, arrested most of them. the was
some resistence. then theyre was a pretty violent beating of a man up on
capital hill. dont know if this video made it out of this market. pretty
disgusting. is the local NBC affiliate and has quite a bit of
good coverage on last nights happenings.
<<<<< >>>>>

Police defend use of force against protesters - good video here

CNN coverage - fun to deconstruct.  Always the first thing mentioned in
major media coverage: "A police captain suffered an eye injury when he
was hit by an object thrown by someone in the crowd..." giving them
justification to use force, correct?  And their video caption "Watch the
protest" - much safer than participating...

CNN has the most damning video footage I have yet encountered.  This
must be seen to be believed.  It is an excellent 3 minute video showing
the leaders of the evening protesters desperately attempting to
_negotiate_ a way out of their entrapment by police.  They attempt first
with the cops on the east street, the most direct route to the safe
harbor of the labor temple.  These cops say they should go talk to the
north cops.  So, they go attempt to negotiate with the cops on the
northern street - who are more amenable, but worry about letting the
protesters out who then might "change their minds" about going to the
labor temple; the cops want everyone to go home.  No promises are made,
but this cop is quite civil and wants to work out a solution, aware of
his "dilemma."  So, the protest leaders return to the now quite nervous
protesters, and attempt to relay the situation.  The stomping of boots
from the southern or western corridor is heard and the protest leader at
the end utters "I know they're behind us, right..." into the megaphone. 
And the arrests begin.

We lack the prior context here about what happened to supposedly justify
the cops marching the protesters into a trap.  What were these 200
protesters doing before this time?  Was the protest degenerating or was
it still peaceful?  Were the cops just fed up and wanting to go home? 
This context seems to be absent from the record.

Labor organizers were offered quick release from jail by Seattle Mayor
Schell early this morning.  "...they refused and stayed in solidarity
with the others who were arrested."

from last year:
"This is what a police state looks like."


: Gregory G. Foster
  gregf at
: a Navigo Farmer
  "we breathe in the hopes of speaking the spirit
:       we move in the hopes of meeting the soul"

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