First person APster.

Matthew X profrv at
Sun May 16 05:28:03 PDT 1999

newsmakers While the first wave of Internet hype is now but a distant 
memory, the video game industry is gearing up for its own mini-version of 
the great online land rush.
Makers of the three main game consoles are all planning to allow gamers to 
connect their devices to the Internet for online play. Microsoft has made 
the biggest promises for Xbox Live, but Sony will actually get to the 
Internet first. The giant consumer electronics conglomerate will release on 
Aug. 27 a network adapter that allows its PlayStation 2 game console to tap 
into a broadband or a dial-up Internet connection.
As the opening credits roll on State of Emergency the whole story unravels 
itself on the nightly news. A commercial runs for a Hamburger restaurant 
and it exclaims that one Corporation food coupon will get you two 
hamburgers on Thursdays. The feminine voice of the newscaster then 
interrupts and pronounces a State of Emergency and that police are doing 
everything to bring the matter to control, at which point the camera pans 
back to reveal a gang of rioters that smash the window of the store in 
which the T.V. is being held and steal it. The story almost tells itself. A 
major corporation called
well, The Corporation
 is basically doing its part 
to destroy free speech and democracy among this fair city. So rioters ban 
together to oppose this cruel form of government and the peaceful 
demonstrations soon become violent ones. Anyways you start the game in riot 
mode and you have the option to choose between two characters the first 
being a disgruntled ex-cop and the other a female lawyer. The first “level” 
is based in a shopping mall. Now, I guess this is where people tend to 
think that the game resembles GTA3, you see, you have missions to run while 
the looting and rioting goes on around you, all of the missions of course 
involve rioting, killing or stealing, themselves.

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