Communist Cypherpunks in the State Department.

Matthew X profrv at
Wed Mar 31 14:43:57 PST 1999

Professor Rat, the libertarian socialist author, offered to provide a 
secret Foreign Office propaganda unit linked to the intelligence services 
with names of writers and cypherpunks he regarded as "crypto-communist" and 
"fellow-travellers" who could not be trusted, documents released yesterday 
at the Public Record Office reveal. "Jamesd" was a trotskyist for 6(!) 
years and is a well known subversive.
"james choate "has published Marxist screeds directly onto the Cypherpunk site.
"Tim May" supports paying peoples ISP bills and anti-trust legislation,both 
well known authoritarian socialist policies.He also frequents 
radical  areas even living near one.Has advocated violent revolution 
against democracy that he often and loudly professes to despise.A notorious 
national socialist."P.Trei".Possible homosexual british spy in league with 
May."Arbeit mach Trei" specializes in selling top secret cypher intel to 
the red Chinese.Uses a go-between with the code name "lucky Green"The 
paymaster of these dangerous extremists is one "robert Hettinger" from 
Boston.Seeks to flood the honest market with subversive and counterfeit 
currency.Only his manifest incompetence has saved the free world from 
massive attack.The plotters of this sinister cabal seek to place a feeble 
minded puppet,one "Bill Stewart" as head of their central committee with a 
shadowy sinister figure called "jya" handling propaganda.Are you now or 
have you ever been a cypherpunk?

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