Encrypted confession to a real crime.

Matthew X profrv at nex.net.au
Thu Apr 8 09:58:05 PDT 1999

Before Jack Straw became UK roving arms salesman he was Jack the RIPa.
Operation Dear Jack
The Electronic Commerce Bill would make it a crime to fail to give up the 
decryption key to a message if a policeman thinks you've got it. If you 
haven't got it, it is up to you to prove you haven't. If you can't prove 
it, you would be liable for 2 years in jail.
STAND sent this letter to Jack Straw, Home Secretary, with an encrypted 
confession to a real crime in it. We also made it look as though Jack Straw 
had the decryption key. Here is our photostory: we'll be relying on these 
photos to try and convince the judge that we didn't keep a copy of the key; 
Jack will have to come up with another argument
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