[Fwd: LFB Book News: EAT THE RICH]

S�ren sorens at homemail.com
Thu Sep 10 16:05:54 PDT 1998

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To: booknews at laissezfaire.org
Subject: LFB Book News: EAT THE RICH
From: Russell Hanneken <russell at laissezfaire.org>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:31:38 -0700

Laissez Faire Books  -  Book News  -  September 10, 1998
Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

First 350 with autographed bookplates!

A grand slam from P. J. O'Rourke, the best political humorist
since H. L. Mencken

			by P. J. O'Rourke
		 (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998)

		    HU7872 (hardcover) 246p.
		    Publisher's price: $24.00
		    Our price normally $16.95

(reviewed by Jim Powell)

Everything P. J. O'Rourke writes makes you smile, but I'd rate
EAT THE RICH as his best book, better even than his super-seller
PARLIAMENT OF WHORES.  The political content is very high, and
the book is loaded with great lines.  Open to a page, any page,
and you'll soon find something wonderful--not just wit, but
passion as well.

O'Rourke offers uproarious commentary about fashionable
politicians, intellectuals and dogmas in Albania, Sweden, Cuba,
Russia, Tanzania and Shanghai as well as the United States.  
A sampler:

    "I had one fundamental question about economics: Why are some
    places prosperous and thriving while others just suck?  It's
    not a matter of brains.  No part of the earth (with the
    possible exception of Brentwood) is dumber than Beverly
    Hills, and the residents are wading in gravy.  Meanwhile in
    Russia, where chess is a spectator sport, they're boiling
    stones for soup."

    "Microeconomics concerns things that economists are
    specifically wrong about, while macroeconomics concerns
    things economists are wrong about generally.  Or, to be more
    technical, microeconomics is about money you don't have, and
    macroeconomics is about money the government is out of."

    "Government does not cause affluence.  Citizens of
    totalitarian countries have plenty of government and nothing
    of anything else."

    "And technology provides no guarantee of creature comforts.
    The most wretched locales in the world are well-supplied with
    complex and up-to-date technology--in the form of weapons."

    "Nationalization does to goods and services what divorce does
    to male parents--suddenly they're absent most of the time and
    useless the rest."

    "Altruism towards strangers is mostly a sentimental and
    fleeting thing, a small check dashed off to Save the
    Children.  Twenty billion dollars worth of it is rare.  In
    the Cold War days, of course, we were giving money to
    Tanzania on the theory of: 'Pay them to be socialist so they
    won't be communist and figure out what the difference is
    later.'  But now, I'm afraid, the ugly truth is that we care
    about Tanzanians because they have cool animals."

    "The Russian stuff is no good.  Even the smallest, simplest
    items stink.  The way you use a Russian match is: After you
    strike it, you put it back in the matchbox.  It's as likely
    to work as any of the other matches in there.  In the old
    days the soda pop tasted like soap, the soap lathered like
    toilet paper, the toilet paper could be used to sand
    furniture, the furniture was as comfortable as a pile of
    canned goods, the canned goods had the flavor of a
    Solzhenitsyn novel, and a Solzhenitsyn novel got you arrested
    if you owned one."

    "How a peaceful, uncrowded place with ample wherewithal stays
    poor is hard to explain.  How a conflict-ridden, grossly
    over-populated place with no resources whatsoever gets rich
    is simple.  The British colonial government turned Hong Kong
    into an economic miracle by doing nothing."

    "So if wealth is not a world-wide round-robin of purse
    snatching, and if the thing that makes you rich doesn't make
    me poor, why should we care about fairness at all?  We

    "If we want the whole world to be rich, we need to start
    loving wealth.  In the difference between poverty and plenty,
    the problem is the poverty and not the difference.  Wealth is

As these delightful selections suggest, nobody today has a more
gifted pen than P. J. O'Rourke.  You'll love this book.


HU7872 (hardcover) 246p.
Publisher's price: $24.00
Our price normally $16.95


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Russell Hanneken                              Laissez Faire Books
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