[MilCom] MRE's, KCMO, VA Hospitals

Jaggedrock at aol.com Jaggedrock at aol.com
Mon Sep 7 17:02:39 PDT 1998

Fellow radio enthusiasts of all the above nets,

In the past week I have learned of MRE stackpiling in a natural limestone cave
in the Kansas City Missouri area.  A 4 month government (don't know the
specific agency) contract it would appear, that will result in excess of
35,000,000 MRE's having been stored in the cave.  That's enough to feed
500,000 for 22 days roughly.  Further, I have learned that, apparently, 23 VA
hospitals that are closed (don't know where and don't know the names) are
being converted into food storage facilities with all of the equipment having
been removed and a special coating being applied to the interior surfaces to
enhance storage life.  Having said that, any fecom, milcom activity that would
shed light on this activity?  Any KCMO monitors hearing anything?  Anyone in
KCMO area that would like to try to find out more and advise the rest of us

Thanks, jaggedrock at aol.com (Sangean ATS803A, Uniden 100XLT, Uniden Bearcat
895XLT Trunktracker, 48 foot roof mount dipole, roof mount Scantenna 25 feet
aloft, all low loss cable feeds - plus good human eyes and ears).  

Submissions milcom at qth.net

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