AES and The Game

bill payne billp at
Wed Sep 2 06:12:11 PDT 1998

Wednesday 9/2/98 6:26 AM

J Orlin Grabbe

I'm going to write an article for The Laissez Faire City Times

	Black and White Test of Cryptographic Algorithms

I have what I want to write CLEARLY in mind.  

THINKING before DOING works better than the CONVERSE.  But this takes
time, of course.

How much $s would such an article be worth?

We have to keep in mind WHY we are doing all of this.  
Like what Baranyi is doing at

I will write when I take breaks from debugging and documenting digital
FX hardware.
$s, again.  The digital FX was HOPEFULLY very well thought-out and will
work reliably
in the field.

Here are SOME of my references.

                                    HOLLYWOOD (October, 1997) -- London
Records is
                                    pleased to announce the release of
Howard Shore's
                                    original motion picture score to The
Game, starring
                                    Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. 

                           The film is a thriller directed by David
Fincher (Se7en). "The Game" is
                           what begins when a high-powered businessman
named Nicholas Van
                           Orton (Douglas) receives the birthday gift of
a lifetime from his
                           brother he alienated years ago (Penn). What
Nicholas gets is entry
                           into a mysterious new form of entertainment
provided by C.R.S.
                           (Consumer Recreational Services) simply
called "The Game." It
                           proves to be an all-consuming contest with
only one rule: there are
                           no rules. By the time Van Orton realizes he
is in, it is too late to get
                           out. Laced with intrigue, action and danger
beyond belief, The Game
                           ultimately draws to a cataclysmic close,
every step bringing Van
                           Orton nearer to an explosive confrontation
with what threatens him

                           Howard Shore has written a tense and gripping
score. The
                           soundtrack features "White Rabbit" performed
by the legendary
                           Jefferson Airplane.

          The contemplation of things as they are,      
                without error or confusion,      
            without substitution or imposture,      
   is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of invention.      
   Francis Bacon       
 Stupidity is difficult to underestimate  
   Professor Robert Franklin Wallace - economics

 Don't search for deeper explanations when stupidity will suffice
   Professor Melvin Gordon Davidson - physics

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