Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Sun Oct 25 15:19:02 PST 1998

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 21:02:07 -0400 (EDT)
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From: softwar at us.net (CharlesSmith)
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Reply-To: softwar at us.net (CharlesSmith)

>From the 10/23/98 WWW hit report from www.us.net/softwar website

   %                  bytes    files   name
 2.11  1.28          62230        20 | gov.eop.gatekeeper  GOV.EOP = EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT

Once again, the White House has visited the Softwar web site.
Last night the White House downloaded 20 files for a total of
about 62K worth of data.  The White House seems to be interested
in the SOFTWAR documents covering the CSPP or Computer Systems
Policy Project and John Podesta.

One document of interest to White House fans of SOFTWAR is the
memo written by BXA head Bill Reinsch to Ron Brown, dated June 1,
1995, which arranged a secret meeting between the White House and
the CSPP on June 6, 1995.  The CSPP has admitted in writing that
they attended several CLASSIFIED briefings at the invitation of
the Clinton White House on super computer exports and encryption

Another curious White House download included data on SOFTWAR's
new ciphering products such as our encrypted emailer and encrypted
web browser.

I extend a hearty digital welcome to President Clinton from the
INTERNET.  Mr. Podesta requested in the spring of 1998 that I
send him written questions.  Mr. Podesta has not answered these
questions and now refuses to be interviewed.  Again, I challenge
the President, or anyone in the Administration, to answer the
questions submitted as per Mr. John Podesta's request.  I have
attached the questions that HAVE NEVER BEEN ANSWERED below.

My website provider - us.net - gives a listing of "hits" on
my website.  Most WWW providers can give you this information.
Here is tip number six from my ART of INFO WARFARE postings.

Tip #6 - Anonymous Surfing.  Please note - each time you hit a
web site (www site) with your internet browser it leaves your
email address and more for the web masters to play with.  They
usually end up sending you spam (unsolicited) email on related
services and products.  Avoid this by surfing anonymously.  Go
to http://www.anonymizer.com - This service is great when you
don't want to trigger those marketing programs and junk mail.
It's also good to use if you visit the NSA, CIA, or North Korean
web sites.


March 2, 1998

Mr. John Podesta
The White House
Attn:  Sarah Latham

Times Group)


Dear Mr. Podesta:

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

1.  What is your current position and previous term(s) of
service at the White House?

2.  Are you currently working on encryption policy?

3.  Can the current "Key Recovery" design as proposed by the
Clinton administration be used against political opponents or
dissidents by oppressive governments such as China or Iraq?

4.  Do you deny that Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell were involved
in encryption policy and the CLIPPER project?  If so please
explain their documented meeting at NSA Ft. Meade in May, of

5.  I have obtained documents that describe meetings between
George Tenet and Webster Hubbell in reference to project CLIPPER
which took place inside the White House in 1993.  Please explain
Mr.  Hubbell's role in CLIPPER and Mr. Hubbell's role in
encryption policy.

6.  What meetings have you had with the Computer Systems
Policy Project (CSPP)?

7.  What was the role of the Computer Systems Policy Project in
Mrs. Clinton's Health Care Reform initiative?

8.  What is your relationship with Ken Kay, Director of the

9.  Has the CSPP met in the White House, Old Executive Office or
the Commerce Dept?  If so, when and on what subjects?

10.  I have documented evidence of three exports of encryption
technology to China; HUA MEI, Motorola and RSA/SDI.  Please
describe the role of the Clinton administration in helping these
exports take place.

11.  Explain why meetings between the CSPP and the US Government
should not come under the FACA (Federal Advisory Committee Act)

12.  Please explain Al Gore's role in CLIPPER and inside the
Inter-Agency Working Group for encryption.

13.  Please explain Ron Brown's role in CLIPPER and inside the
Inter-Agency Working Group.  Did Ron Brown discuss encryption
with representatives of China?

14.  Was the CLIPPER design or Skipjack algorithm disclosed to
any foreign government or representative?

15.  What kind of encryption policy did you discuss with CIA
Director Deutch, George Tenet and NSA Director McConnell in late
December of 1993?

16.  What role did the Federal government play in the merger of
Silicon Graphics and CRAY?

17.  Please describe the Clinton administration's role in the
"accidental" export of Silicon Graphics super-computers to a
Russian nuclear weapons lab and the exports of some 46 supers to

18.  What role did the Federal government play in dealings with
Andrew Logan in 1993?  Did Mr. Logan get paid to not
sue the US Government over the CLIPPER design?

19.  What role did the Federal government and specifically AL
GORE play in the 1994 negotiations to purchase the DSA patents
from Mr. Bidzos, CEO of RSA Inc.?

20.  Please explain how you can serve on policy and still remain
part owner of Podesta & Associates without conflict?

21.  Were there or are there any plans to mandate government
encryption and nationalize the industry?

22.  Why would the Commerce Dept. reference the US government
DSA (Digital Signature) algorithm when I requested all
information on back doors or special software to monitor US
domestic financial transactions?  Does DSA contain some back
door or other exploitable feature?

23.  Explain the role of the FORTEZZA smart card as the proposed
national health care card during the 1993 Health Care reform.

24.  Does the White House hold closed meetings with other groups
covered under the FACA rules?  For example I have documents that
reference closed meetings with Dr. Willis Ware of the Computer
System Security and Privacy Advisory Board.

25.  Explain the role of AT&T and CLIPPER?  Please note I have
documents which detail the 1991 and 1992 meetings between
Scrowcroft and AT&T to purchase the initial batch of AT&T 3600
phones.  I also have details of the substitution contract to
AT&T issued in 1993 to remove the DES chips and put CLIPPER in

26.  Explain the role of Mrs. Hillary Clinton in encryption
policy and project CLIPPER.

27.  Explain the relationship between the administration,
Mr. Stephens of Arkansas, his company Systematics and the
lawsuit over PROMIS software.

Again, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.  I
would like the opportunity to follow up if possible.

Best of Wishes,

Charles R. Smith SOFTWAR

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      softwar at softwar.net
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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at philodox.com>
Philodox Financial Technology Evangelism <http://www.philodox.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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