2 questions: Prime Numbers and DES

Fisher Mark fisherm at tce.com
Mon Oct 19 12:22:02 PDT 1998

>2.  Is there an implentation of DES in perl?  I didn't see a link to one
>on the export-a-sig page.  If not perl, is there one for DOS?  I'm
>looking for a bare bones one, not something with tons of features
>and a GUI.  A perl or dos version of the unix "des" program would be

CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network),
<URL:http://www.perl.com/CPAN/>, is your friend -- use it.  (Look under
"Authentication, Security and Encryption" -- there are 3 versions of DES
listed, along with an interface to SSLeay, which includes DES as one of its
Mark Leighton Fisher          Thomson Consumer Electronics
fisherm at indy.tce.com          Indianapolis, IN
"Their walls are built of cannon balls, their motto is
'Don't Tread on Me'"

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