2nd Report on Political Control Technologies

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sun Oct 18 04:36:31 PDT 1998


Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 11:26:38 +0200
To: jya at pipeline.com
From: Marie-Jose Klaver <klaver at nrc.nl>
Subject: Second report An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control

I'm a Dutch journalist, working for NRC Handelsblad, one of the major
newspapers in the Netherlands. I've been reporting about the STOA 
report An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control since last 

A second report came out last month. I got a copy a few days ago from 
the Omega Foundation and had an article about it in NRC Handelsblad 
today. This second report has interesting information about the so called 
EU-FBI global surveillance plan. According to a secret memorandum 
the EU countries have agreed with the FBI to intercept all European 
datacommunication. To do this some EU countries like Holland and 
Germany changed their laws to make broad wiretapping and 
interception of Internet and other datacommunication possible. 
Germany changed its constitution in the beginning of this year and in 
Holland a law was made and accepted by both chambers of the
Parliament that obliges all firms with computer and communication 
networks (providers, telco's, newspapers etc.) to make their systems 

You can read the second report at:

   http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Lab/Echelon/stoa2sept1998.html  [104K]

Marie-Jose Klaver

NRC Handelsblad



There's much new information in the report, especially on
the US export of political control technologies which 
complements Amnesty International's recent critique of 
US violations of human rights, as well as the US Bureau 
of Prisons reorganization, all to accommodate the rise in
domestic and foreign freedom fighters, oops, terrorists,
as global Justice and Defense agencies characterize 
naysayers to bloated organs of dysfunctional cracies.

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